Saturday, April 30, 2011


Ok, so I was reading the last two or three posts. Can I just say that situations change in a quick fast hurry. Yea. I went from happy with a little trouble to unhappy with a lot of trouble and now I'm happy again. Happiness is totally relative. What is happiness? Well, it means different things to different people. For me now, my happiness is my freedom. My ability to make all the decisions concerning me without having to okay anything with anyone else. My family is so supportive of me that all I have to do is tell them and they are all like wow okay :) do whatever makes you happy. Gotta love family. Also, heres another update for ya, I've met a few gentlemen that are my age for a change and all of them have similar qualities that I'm looking for... Nothing serious on the horizon for quite some time but hey, it doesnt hurt to shop around in the mean time... As long as you are upfront and honest about any and every intention you have that concerns them seeing as they do happen to have a right to know what concerns them. Other than that, ive been totally spoiling myself since i found a job(that i love), made "new old friends", and started living for me. I love my life as it is now and have no intentions of changing it except to better myself although if i may be so selfcentered as to say i think im pretty ok as i am :)) love me or hate me i will always be me. Y'all have a great day, and remember, do what makes you happy or everyone around you will be miserable... yourself included!